Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Singapore Convo

Singapore is definitely a fine country with many strict systems. As we drove there on the weekend (on Hari Raya) it was a disaster. After leaving our house at 5.30am, and officially started our journey at 6, it took us about 4 hours to reach Johor. Upon meeting both my uncles at Skudai as promised, we went to one of my uncle's home as he packed his belonging (he didn't knowwe'll be staying overnight at SG). It was then lunch and around 1pm, we adjourned our journey to Singapore. From 1 onwards we moved towards the custom and it was a really really really long queue. It took us more than 1 hour to finally moved to the immigration booth. But we didn't have any green card or the cash card. At the booth, the officer gave us the green cards to be filled. I felt sorry for the cars queuing behind us as the 5 of us fumbled with what to fill in and what not. When we're finally done, we had to drive to the counter to purchase the cash card in order to get into Singapore. That took us some time too. Therefore in total, we reached Singapore at 3pm and drove straight to Chinatown where our hotel is located. We got into the parking booth and then didn't know what to do. There was no parking ticket to pick and they said "auto pass" which made us think its like staff's card (which we definitely don't have). All in all, we're stuck there with several cars behind us (again) with no staff to help us. Luckily my uncle managed to ask someone and they said we can use the cash card to get in, much to our relieve.

I'm pretty much lazy today so I won't be talking much about my journey at SG (I'll leave it for next time). Graduation day was really fun :D I arrived there at around 2pm and saw Angie and her friend. Then I met up with Janet, Nai Lin, Kah Yen and Aaron (Gan). We chatted for a while and snapped some photos. Arter that we went into the hall to get our regalia. Inside, I met some more other seniors. I knew quite number of them by face but not name (lol, yes, I'm an ignorant person). Including this one guy and another (lol), I found them really familiar and finally realized we used to be in the same class for certain subjects... even so, we didn't talk back in KDU so there's no point saying "hi" casually since we aren't close. I saw Han Cai and her sister after taking my regalia. We talked for a while but I had to rush back to buy some stuffs so I said goodbye to them and went off in promise we'll meet again later at the convo.

I reached there at 5.30 and saw Ee Huang & Kendy. Then I met with Hui Yi and started changing into my regalia. It was a little early so together with my parents and uncles, we queued for the photo session which costs $S 25 for the shots.

My individual photo... my uncle was saying that I'm promoting for Murdoch, to which I replied, "Can't help it, I graduated from there after all!"

A family photo... but unfortunately one of my uncle had a course so he couldn't attend!

Weeeee my seniors! (l-r) Aaron, Kah Yen, me, Janet & Nai Lin

A group photo! I know most of them but not everyone... as a matter of fact, there are a few here that I know by face but not name ^^ so I'll juz randomly name those I know: Jessica, Philip, Kendy, Lee Hua, Sook Chen, Alex, Mei Ling, Han Cai, Yeong Wen, Soo Hwa, Alex etc etc :D

The joy of throwing your mortar board...? And then everyone started looking for their own mortar board on the ground. A second threw came when someone said, "Due to the audiences' requests (it's a favourite), so we'll do it again!!!"

Aaaaaah it was really fun~ I have some pix at Han Cai's camera, Nai Lin's phone, Angie's camera and Lee Hua's camera... gotta mail them for the pix hehe~

Friday, October 12, 2007

2nd Dose of Little Detectives

Its funny how I bought 3 set of DVDs and end up finishing One Piece first. That got the better of me. When I finished, it left me with a tingling feeling of wanting more but couldn't. I tried easing with Jdrama. Tantei Gakuen Q was unexpectedly good. The cast were superb but from first impression, I didn't really think they'd fit into it so well. The story, though somewhat different from the book, did not divert its plot away from the main theme that it was supposed to deliver: the war with Mei-Ou-Sei (Pluto). All in all, everyone in Q Class were good and Yamada Ryousuke carried out Amakura Ryuu's dark personality extremely well. I was surprised at how good 14 year-olds can be involving acting.

Q Class members (l-r): Kyuu, Megumi, Ryuu, Kazuma, Kinta

Ah... as expected, my favourite character is still Amakusa Ryuu, casts by Yamada Ryousuke. Throughout the whole series he displayed a rather dark and twisted characteristic. His facial expression was good as well, serious and a person who's used to darkness in life. But when I saw him smile for the first time, I felt a happy expression suits him more.

The many faces of Yamada Ryousuke as Amakusa Ryuu (above)
Some pix below of the Q class members... I mean, group picture :D

I guess this should be it... the next posting will be events, pictures and stuffs at the Singapore convocation trip! Yes, leaving tomorrow morning and I can hardly waaaaaaait!!!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Another week flew by...

It's been peaceful for the past few weeks. I go out once in a while, mostly weekeneds. Just last Saturday I went to Wan U with my friend :D to singK. The Neway at Wan Utama is pretty much new and if you're lucky to get a room upstairs, you'll enjoy the big space, 3 mikes and an attached bathroom! But what I hate about it is the constant interruption by staffs who came in and out @@ ... they'll come in to leave the menu, take the orders, bring in the drinks, then bring in the food, collect the used plates/ bowls, asked for any last orders, request to pay the bill etc. I really HATE it when I'm singing and they barged in to do something. I'd stopped singing immediately and then that's it. It spoiled my song =___= I wished they could do something about that though.
Ah right, out of curiosity, I wonder if anyone used eMule? or perhaps heard of it? I don't. Not till recently I started downloading manga from a forum with direct downloads. Everytime they'll put this "Source: eMule" ... so last week I finally went online and checked what this eMule thing is and discovered to my surprise, it's a download manager like LimeWire and Kazaa (although it's a tadbit different I guess). I downloaded it. I tried to look for any manga but there isn't and gosh, I seriously don't know how to use it! Frustrated, I uninstalled it. Then I continued to browse the net as usual... until I discovered a chinese site that had hundreds or links to chinese (translated) yaoi manga. I went crazy with joy and clicked on one of it. DOOM. I can't DL it... no eD2K. While I was thinking this eD2K looks familiar, I realized that I needed the eMule to download these manga. U see? I had to re-install it THEN click on the link.

It wasn't difficult to use. Problem is "PATIENCE" because there are many servers available. eMule will auto-assign a server (ranges from American, Europe to Japan and others unknown servers). Say, you requested 8 files. If you're lucky enough, the server that was assigned to you had the downloads, it will move. Otherwise what you'll see is a red line which meant there's no seeder. And then you'll have to queue for the requested files. If it ain't your turn, you won't be downloading anything. Plus, the speed can be frustrating sometimes. When I got super-lucky, some of my files download between 50 - 60kbps! But most of the time it's just between less than 1kbps to 10kbps. I guess when this happens, you might want to switch to another server in hope that the speed increases. Depending on luck, it might just happen or it might not.

Currenly I have 72 files on queue but about half of them had finished downloading. Therefore having broadband is essential! I leave my downloads on overnight sometimes. Even so few of the files I wanted is still downloading. Pretty disappointing ;___; some files had been requested for about 1 week but still havent finished DL-ing aaaaaaaargh!

Oh yea, last Saturday when I went to S&M, I saw the Tantei Gakuen Q live action drama! Kyaaa so happy~ so regardless of my poor condition, I bought it. And so my friend called me a paedophile =_= I am NOT though *hem* Yamada Ryosuke who plays pretty boy Amakusa Ryu is sooooooo captivating. I mean, he's only 14 years old but he's really really goodlooking. Iya, pretty would be more suitable. Anyway, I wasn't exactly surprised to found out he's from Johnny's Jimusho (most of the popular Jpop groups came from this company, whereby their policy is not to accept females--purely male). Rumours flew that the head of the company is actually gay and had assaulted several pretty boys. Now, that was just a rumour I read some time ago in some websites...

Yup, above is the picture of 14-year old Yamada Ryosuke, born in Tokyo, Japan in year 1993. What? I can't help it! He may be young, but he's drop dead gorgeously-pretty! I have a weakness for pretty boys ;___; which unfortunately, none I see in Malaysia LOL. Anyway, he's only a 14 year-old boy, so don't corrupt him!

Well if you ask me what this drama is about, it's regarding detectives and investigations. Basically to understand this first episode on what's happening, you'd need to watch the "SPECIAL" episode/ movie released before the jdrama. That was the spinoff on how these 5 kids met during the test initiated by Morihiko Dan, whose intention is to gather a group of talented students to be his apprentice and may appoint someone from the group as his successor in future. Therefore, even though the 5 of them passed the test and were put into "assignments" as a group, most of them still acted as competitors and sometimes individually. It's only natural to say that all of them desired to be the successor of Morihiko Dan. I guess it's all up to Q or Kyu (Kamiki Ryunosuke) to bring the group to act as ONE. In a group, it is important to act upon the group's benefit and not so individually. I'm still watching this series... and I love the ending song--Stand by Me performed by The Brilliant Green. I'll change my profile song to this one later on :)

Trust me, its a good series worthy to watch. If you like detective series (+ pretty boys), then don't skip out on this one. I actually had the complete version of the manga as well as the anime. So i guess since I'm such a fan, I would look like an idiot to miss out on the drama, isn't it? lol. Even so, its good coz the mysteries were different from the book and animation. Some of the cases does look like Kindaichi's version coz both are from the same author and mangaka! How I wished Kindaichi or even Akechi could make a special apperance in Tantei hehe. But if you want to talk about Tantai Gakuen Q, this version of anime/ manga/ drama has got a much more concrete overall plot then Kindaichi. There's the Mei-Ou-Sei, an organization who helps ordinary people to achieve their revenge by drafting out a plan for them to follow.

Waaaaa can't wait for the Singapore Convo!!!